Welkom op Charmed-Online.nl. De online bron voor alles over de magische series ‘Charmed’, zowel de originele reeks uit 1998 en de nieuwe uit 2018! Hier vind je alles over de serie, cast en nog veel meer. Daarnaast houden wij je up-to-date met al het laatste nieuws rondom de serie en castleden. Hopelijk vind je alles wat je zoekt en kom je snel nog een keer terug.
oktober 18, 2018   No Comment   Charmed (2018), Seizoen 1

Madeleine, Melonie en Sarah waren afgelopen zondag aanwezig op de The CW Network’s Fall Launch Event

Galerij Links:
http//: 14 oktober: The CW Network’s Fall Launch Event

oktober 17, 2018   No Comment   Rose McGowan

oktober 17, 2018   No Comment   Alyssa Milano

oktober 17, 2018   No Comment   Alyssa Milano

oktober 17, 2018   No Comment   Alyssa Milano

oktober 17, 2018   No Comment   Fotoshoots, Madeleine Mantock

“So there’s really no limit to what we can cover.”

On the CW’s Charmed reboot, three sisters discover that they are witches who hold the power to fight evil forces lurking beneath the surface — literally, the underworld — of their hometown. But for oldest sister Macy Vaughn, played by British actor Madeleine Mantock, her newfound telekinetic ability is just one of the shocking revelations she must come to terms with.
Macy initially moves to the fictional Hilltown, Michigan, to work in the local university lab as a geneticist. That is, until she’s faced with the startling realization that her new town is also home to the two half-sisters and late mother she never knew she had. Coincidence? We think not. For the science and logic-driven Macy, the news is quite a lot to process.

“Macy’s a character who is really great with her mind, but not so great with her emotions, and so it’s been really fun to get to play that,” Madeleine tells Teen Vogue. “It’s kind of a first for me.”

The twenty-eight-year-old actor previously starred on British shows Casualty and Lee Nelson’s Well Funny People, along with AMC’s Into the Badlands and the CW’s The Tomorrow People. But playing Macy, she says, is also the first time she’s gotten to portray a character who is not secondary to a lead male role. Instead, Charmed focuses on Macy’s relationship with her sisters Maggie and Mel, played by Sarah Jeffery and Melonie Diaz, respectively.
The series, which premieres October 14, is described by the network as being “fierce, feminist, and funny,” so it makes sense that sisterhood is a key element of its plotline. And while many of Hollywood’s depiction of witches still follow stereotypical tropes of old, evil, and ugly women on the hunt for youth and beauty (sorry, Hocus Pocus), Charmed attempts to reclaim the use of magic and show its powerful and positive impact through well-rounded, three-dimensional, complex characters. As the sisters attempt to uncover the supernatural circumstances surrounding their mother’s mysterious death, they also tackle social and personal issues such as sexual harassment, self-confidence, and grief — in Macy’s case, the loss of a parent she never got the chance to know.

“I think the idea is for us to be as brave as we can, and we’re kind of blessed in the sense that we can have this duality of demons that you and I might face in this real world [that] can also present themselves as metaphysical demons that the characters as witches can try and vanquish,” Madeleine says. “So there’s really no limit to what we can cover.”

And with the show’s cast, Charmed also breaks pop culture’s tired tradition of only affording white women the opportunity to play witches. Although the show has been characterized as having Latinx main characters, Madeleine points out that women of color might be a more accurate term to describe her and her castmates: Madeleine is Afro-Caribbean and British, Melonie is Latinx, and Sarah is African-American, English, and Indigenous Canadian. With the announcement that there is also a Latinx witch in Charmed’s writing room, fans are excited that the series will finally pay homage to the fact that witchcraft is largely prevalent in communities of color.

“For me, it’s a necessity. It’s something that we should’ve had a long time ago,” says Madeleine. “But I’m happy it’s going to happen now, and I just hope that we can do more because I don’t think it stops with just having hired us three to be the three sisters.”

She does, however, point out that she doesn’t want this representation to be taken to the extreme of tokenism, which is why her, her castmates, and executive producer Jennie Snyder Urman (who also worked on Jane the Virgin) all spoke about how to make sure the series authentically reflects the sisters’ heritage. One solution, Madeleine explains, has been for Macy to have a different father than her sisters, and thus open up her character’s storyline to explore her background and the multitude of cultures that exist within witchcraft. Although she can’t give much away yet, she says she’s excited for the show to progress and respectfully honor Macy’s Afro-Latina identity as well as the practices and origins of witchcraft she’ll discover along the way.
“I think it’s important to do it because if you don’t, you end up just going, ‘Yeah, sure. She can play that. She looks passable enough,” Madeleine tells Teen Vogue. “I think we’re being conscious not to do that, and we’re being honest about the characters that we’re playing, how we got to be here, and how we’re trying to approach the story so that we can give a fair and honest representation of who these characters are.”

As we get ready to watch the sisters embark on their adventures and learn to love and accept their own powers —both figuratively and literally — Madeleine hopes their journeys inspire us to look inside ourselves, too. After all, you don’t have to be a witch to believe in your own magic.

“I would love for people who watch our show to have a sense of confidence to really feel empowered that however they are is brilliant,” she says. “Just that idea that no one is you and that’s your power.”

Galerij Links:
http//: 2018: Rachell Smith (Teen Vouge)

oktober 17, 2018   No Comment   Charmed (2018)

Er keken gemiddeld zo’n 1,54 miljoen kijkers naar de eerste aflevering van ‘Charmed’, hiermee keken er meer mensen dan naar het nieuwe seizoen van ‘Supergirl’.

rama drew a 0.5 rating in the 18-49 demo, according to Nielsen overnight numbers, even with its lead-in, the season premiere of “Supergirl.” In total viewers, “Charmed” built slightly on the DC Entertainment drama, averaging 1.54 million compared to 1.53 million. In the network’s key 18-34 demo, “Charmed” drew a 0.4 rating, while “Supergirl” drew 0.3.

NBC’S “Sunday Night Football” was the evening’s top program, averaging an overnight household rating of 14.6 in metered markets.

On CBS, “60 Minutes,” featuring an interview with President Donald Trump, drew a 1.9 in the 18-49 demo following an NFL Sunday afternoon game. “God Friended Me” was down two tenths of a point from last week at 1.1. “NCIS: Los Angeles” drew a 0.9. “Madame Secretary” drew a 0.6.

On Fox, “The Simpsons” drew a 1.0, followed by “Bob’s Burgers” (0.9), “Family Guy” (0.8), and “Rel” (0.5). On ABC, “America’s Funniest Home Videos” averaged a 0.9, followed by “dancing With the Stars: Juniors” (0.7), “Shark Tank” (0.7), and “The Alec Baldwin Show” (0.4).

oktober 12, 2018   No Comment   Charmed (2018), Seizoen 1

Stills van aflevering 1×03 die ‘Sweeth Tooth’ zal gaan heetten zijn verschenen! Dit zal een Halloween aflevering zijn :)

Galerij Links:
http//: 1×03 Sweet Tooth

Shannen en Brian hebben apart van elkaar laten weten of ze open zouden staan voor een rol in de nieuwe ‘Charmed’ serie. Zo laat Shannen weten niet direct ja te zeggen omdat ze nu ook al bezig is met de reboot van haar film ‘Heathers’, al zegt ze er niet concreet nee.

“It’s funny, because somebody said to me, ‘Oh, would you do the Charmed reboot?’ And I’m like, ‘Oh my God, I can’t be the reboot queen!’” she told Entertainment Weekly.

Brain Krause daarin tegen is enthousiast als de optie hem gegeven wordt zo laat hij aan The Wrap weten. Volgens hem zouden veel fans blij zijn als de originele cast erbij betrokken worden maar ziet hij geen mogelijkheid dat Leo zonder Piper in de nieuwe serie te zien zal zijn. Hij vind het een compliment dat de serie nieuw leven in geblazen wordt en hoopt dat het een succes wordt.

You know, going to all the comic cons and seeing how many fans we have all over the world, you know the fans want to see the girls, the original cast, They love the idea of Charmed continuing. They just want it to all be integrated. So if they ask me to be a part of it, I feel like it would be great for the fans. I don’t think Leo gets there without Piper though, I’ll tell you that much. It’s a compliment that they would reboot our show. It’s a compliment to what the girls created initially. You know, what all four of them did for so long and our writers created. I hope it’s a success, for sure. I think with Charmed there are a million storylines you can tell. With magic, anything can happen. It’s endless. Like you see with Supernatural it seems to be going after season 25 or something [laughs]. So it’s endless storytelling and I hope the fans get what they want out of this.

oktober 12, 2018   No Comment   Charmed (2018)

The CW heeft toestemming gegeven om enkele nieuwe serie’s die nog uitgezonden moeten worden alvast extra scripts te laten maken. Zo worden er voor ‘Charmed’ al 5 extra afleverigen besteld, “Vampire Diaries” spin-off ‘Legacies’ 2 en ook 5 voor ‘All American’. Dit is nog voordat de series uitkomen en dus de kijkcijfers bekend zijn!

Madeleine, Melonie en Sarah waren vandaag aanwezig op bij de AOL Build Series in NYC om ‘Charmed’ te promoten, de eerste foto’s staan in de galerij.

Galerij Links:
http//: 08 oktober: Visit AOL Build Series
http//: AOL Build Series Portraits
http//: AOL Build Series Portraits – Behind The Scenes

oktober 8, 2018   No Comment   Charmed (2018), Website

Ik ben begonnen om de pagina’s over de nieuwe ‘Charmed’ toe te voegen. Door naar de pagina’s ‘Charmed’ en ‘Cast’ te gaan kan je door een zo genoemd “Drop-Down-Menu” kiezen over welke serie je meer informatie wil zien door onder de foto’s op het pijltje te drukken.

oktober 8, 2018   No Comment   Rose McGowan

De boosheid van Rose McGowan over Hollywoodsterren die zich achter de #metoo-beweging hebben geschaard, is verkeerd uitgelegd, laat de actrice maandag weten via Twitter.

“Ik heb nooit gezegd dat #metoo een leugen is. Nooit”, zei McGowan over haar interview met The Sunday Times. “Ik had het over Hollywood en Time’s Up, niet over #metoo. Ik word hier zo moe van. #Metoo gaat over overlevers en hun ervaringen, die moeten we niet vergeten”.

Collega’s die de beweging alleen maar zouden steunen omdat dat goed voor de publiciteit zou zijn, noemde ze lafhartig en “losers”.

McGowan, die producent Harvey Weinstein van seksueel misbruik beschuldigt en daarmee de #metoo-beweging opnieuw in gang zette, hekelt onder meer Meryl Streep.

Volgens McGowan is het onmogelijk dat Streep niets heeft geweten van Weinsteins daden.

oktober 8, 2018   No Comment   Charmed (2018)

Madeleine, Melonie en Sarah waren gisteren aanwezig op de New York Comic Con 2018 om ‘Charmed’ te promoten. Hier woonde ze o.a. een panel bij en werd de eerste aflevering uitgezonden voor fans.

Galerij Links:
http//: 7 oktober: New York Comic Con 2018