Het plot van aflevering 1×05 Other Woman is verschenen/
GUILT — Mel (Melonie Diaz) is worried about Niko’s (Ellen Tamaki) safety, so Mel and Harry (Rupert Evans) come up with a plan to protect her, but Mel will need her sisters’ help. Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) notices that Macy (Madeleine Mantock) is upset about her situation with Galvin (Ser’Darius Blain), so she offers to do some recon with her, but they discover that things might not be exactly what they seem. Meanwhile, Maggie’s sorority sister Lucy (guest star Natalie Hall) turns to her for some help, but Maggie struggles with telling her the truth because it could jeopardize her sorority future. Amyn Kaderali directed the episode written by George Northy (#105). Original airdate 11/11/2018.
Er is een portretsessie van de L.A Times verschenen die Madeleine, Melonie en Sarah hadden tijdens de New York Comic-Con.
Galerij Links:
http//: 2018 New York Comic-Con – Los Angeles Times Portraits
Brian Krause heeft op zijn instagramstory laten weten dat hij momenteel in Amsterdam is!
Galerij Links:
http//: 2018: Peta2 “Fight Canada Goose” Campaign
http//: 2018: Peta2 “Fight Canada Goose” Campaign – Behind The Scenes
Het plot en de eerste stills voor aflevering 1×04 Exorcise Your Demons zijn verschenen.
While waiting for The Elders to arrive, the sister’s patience is growing thin as they keep a watchful eye on their new charge. Once one of The Elders, Charity (guest star Virginia Williams), appears, she gives specific instructions on how to handle the situation. Mel (Melonie Diaz) does not agree with the solution and enlists Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) and Macy’s (Madeleine Mantock) and even Harry’s (Rupert Evans) help, but it means going against The Elders. Meanwhile, Macy, Mel and Maggie are all starting to realize that juggling their two worlds is becoming more difficult. Ser’Darius Blain and Ellen Tamaki also star. Melanie Mayron directed the episode written by Marcos Luevanos (#104).
Galerij Links:
http//: 1×04 Exorcise Your Demons
Shannen was enkele dagen geleden een gastspreker tijdens het jaarlijkse Breast Cancer Foundation Gala in de Cayman eilanden. Tijdens het gala werd er door middel van een veiling $300,000 opgehaald werd.
Galerij Links:
http//: 08 oktober: Annual Breast Cancer Foundation Gala in Cayman Islands
Alyssa was de afgelopen weken aanwezig op enkele events, daarnaast was ze ook in Washington D.C. om te protesteren tegen Brett Kavanaugh.
Galerij Links:
http//: 24 september: ‘A Star Is Born’ L.A. Premiere
http//: 26 september: Politicians And Protestors React To New Kavanaugh Accusations On Capitol Hill
http//: 27 september: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford And Supreme Court Nominee Brett Kavanaugh Testify To Senate Judiciary
http//: 12 oktober: Variety’s Power Of Women: Los Angeles
http//: 15 oktober: Good Morning America
http//: 15 Oktober: The New York Women’s Foundation Radical Generosity 2018 Gala
http//: 16 oktober: WICT Leadership Conference
Kaley siert de cover van de novemnber editie van ‘Woman’s Health Magazine’ met een nieuwe fotoshoot.
Galerij Links:
http//: 2018: Jason Kim (Woman’s Health Magazine)
http//: November 2018: Woman’s Health Magazine
Kaley Cuoco Says She Doesn’t ‘Need’ Her Husband For Anything—And That’s A Good Thing
“If Karl left me tomorrow, I’d be fine.”
Kaley Cuoco’s doctor is upset with her. A few weeks afterThe Big Bang Theory star’s post-wedding shoulder surgery this summer, she began posting videos of her one-arm workouts. They included squats and hauling what looks like a giant sled across a parking lot as she sweats and makes the kind of fierce warrior face even an actress can’t fake.
In person, Kaley is a friendly, thoughtful, blonde ball of sunshine. She greets me warmly in her adorable office wearing leggings, a tee, Givenchy slip-ons—she can’t bend down to tie shoes while her shoulder heals—and a baseball cap. She’s got hummus, veggies, fruit, and water laid out. She looks strong and healthy.
It’s just…she’s not a huge fan of the brace she’s supposed to wear, so she sneaks it off now and then.
Kaley’s doctor isn’t the only person irked by her workout videos lately. Because she’s a star of one of the most-watched shows in the world, and because some people view women’s bodies as public property, the Instagram comments aren’t pretty.
Lots of folks think she looks great. Others are angry at her for—gasp!—not wearing a bra in one of the post-surgery vids. One observer advises Kaley that breasts are for a woman’s husband and for feeding children. So how does the 32-year-old actress handle that level of scrutiny without freaking out? Well, she’s been wildly famous since TBBT began its run in 2007, so she’s been in this game for a minute. (The show’s 12th and final season will end in 2019.)
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Nieuwe foto’s van ‘The Big Bang Theory’ seizoen 12 staan in de galerij.
Galerij Links:
http//: Seizoen 12: Afleveringstills
Kaley was vorige week aanwezig op de 9th Annual Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic Los Angeles.
Galerij Links:
http//: 06 oktober: 9th Annual Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic Los Angeles
Rose was begin deze maand nog aanwezig op de Free Woman An Exhibition By Diana Gomez – Private View in Londen, tijdens haar bezoek aan GB had ze ook nog enkele fotoshoots.
Galerij Links:
http//: 04 oktober: Free Woman An Exhibition By Diana Gomez – Private View
http//: 2018: Paul Grover (The Telegraph)
http//: 2018: Alisa Conan (The Times)
De partner van Rose model Rainn Dover heeft iemands leven gered tijdens hun vakantie in Hawaii. Op de snelweg kreeg iemand een hartstilstand waarbij Rainn ondersteunt heeft met reanimatie. Alhoewel Rose het niet nodig vind dat dit nieuws groots in de media komt, aangezien andere mensen op deze manier ook geen waardering krijgen. Is ze wel trots op haar partner en roept ze iedereen op om een cursus te volgen.
Rose heeft een interview gehad met de Sunday Times, hieronder een klein gedeelte van het interview (deze is geheel alleen te lezen met een abonnement)
“They’re not champions. It’s a Band-Aid to make Hollywood feel better.” Interview by Decca Aitkenhead
This time last year, Harvey Weinstein was a revered Hollywood producer, Kevin Spacey was the darling of Broadway, and the reputations of trusted household names from Morgan Freeman to Mario Testino gleamed with unimpeachable respectability. Rose McGowan was mostly famous for starring in the cutesy supernatural TV show Charmed.
And then, exactly 12 months ago, news broke that the actress was one of eight women whom Weinstein had paid to keep quiet about alleged sexual assaults. Within days, the story was blazing through Hollywood like a wildfire, and the world watched agog as reputation after reputation went up in flames. Before long, hundreds of famous men all over the world had been exposed as sexual predators and abusers, and fired.
Galerij Links:
http//: 2018: Pip (Sunday Times Magazine)