Greg heeft een rol aangeboden gekregen in de CBS serie ‘ MacGyver’, een reboot van het origineel dat van 1985-1992. Echter heeft hij laten weten dat hij deze heeft moeten afwijzen i.v.m. conflicten met zijn opnames voor de soap ‘Days of Our Live’. Van die laaste heb ik twee promotieshoots toegevoegd.
Galerij Links:
http//: Season 52: Promotieshoot
http//: Season 54: Promotieshoot
Kaley laat op haar instagram zien wat er op de set van haar serie ‘The Big Bang Theory’ gebeurt tijdens eetscenes. Vorige maand veranderde ze haar instagramnaam van NormanCook weer naar KaleyCuoco om nepaccounts tegen te gaan, niet snel daarna verscheen er echter weer een nepaccount met haar oude naam.
Het plot en de eerste afleveringstills voor aflevering 1×07 Out of Scythe zijn verschenen.
CLARITY — After some unusual seismic activity, Harry (Rupert Evans) informs the sisters that Hilltowne is a portal to hell. With that said, the sisters must band together to fight off a shadowy demon that is trying to obtain a collection of powerful magical artifacts. Meanwhile, Macy (Madeleine Mantock) is given an exciting opportunity at work which comes with unexpected complications. Lastly, Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) has a conflict of conscience over her relationship with Parker (Nick Hargrove). Melonie Diaz also stars. Jamie Travis directed the episode written by Sarah Goldfinger (#107). Original airdate 11/25/2018.
Galerij Links:
http//: 1×07 Out of Scythe
De eerste stills voor aflevering 1×05 Other Woman die vanavond te zien is op The CW zijn verschenen.
Galerij Links:
http//: 1×05 Other Woman
Zangeres Camila Cabello en actrice Kaley Cuoco hebben ieder afzonderlijk van elkaar hun volgers op sociale media de mond gesnoerd vanwege zwangerschapsgeruchten. Over de twee werd flink gediscussieerd of er misschien een kleintje op komst was, tot grote ergernis van Camila en Kaley.
“Jongens, doe niet zo gek”
De 21-jarige Camila plaatste vrijdag een foto waarop ze een hand op haar buik houdt. Veel volgers zagen dat als teken van een zwangerschap, waarop de zangeres zich genoodzaakt voelde om te reageren. “Jongens, doe niet zo gek. Ik ben op tournee in Amerika geweest en heb heerlijk gegeten, laat mij en mijn buik alleen!”
Ook Big Bang Theory-actrice Kaley kan er niet echt om lachen. Een foto afkomstig van de rode loper bij de InStyle Awards van dinsdag, waar ze volgens sommigen met een beginnend babybuikje verscheen, was de aanleiding.
Volgens de 32-jarige Kaley kan het echt niet dat mensen zomaar uit het niets vragen of je zwanger bent. Ze noemt het “lachwekkend” en “schokkend”. “Ik ben niet zwanger. Het leek misschien alleen zo. Serieus, hou gewoon je mond.”
Three teenage thieves infiltrate a mansion dinner party, unaware that it is secretly being hosted by a serial killer cult for the social elite.
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http//: Promotieshoot
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http//: Achter de Schermen
Some actors just seem like they’re destined to play the villain and Julian McMahon continues to use his leading man good looks to turn some pretty despicable characters into charismatic baddies you almost end up rooting for. In Monster Party directed by Chris von Hoffman (Drifter), McMahon is the head of the Dawson family – an elite family putting on a bizarre dinner party where every guest seems to be hiding something. As three thieves masquerading as caterers plan to rob the Dawson mansion, they slowly find out everyone in attendance is in recovery from a very unique addiction.
Monster Party is stacking up to be one of the more original releases as we come to the end of the year and speaking with McMahon he seemed to be proud of the ensemble work in the film. There’s also a healthy helping of blood and guts served up for dessert. We talked about the fun of playing a diabolical patriarch, McMahon’s favorite genre roles from Charmed to Dr. Doom in Fantastic Four, and what’s coming up in season 2 of Marvel’s Runaways.
The story follows three thieves who plan a daring heist posing as waiters at a fancy Malibu mansion dinner party in hopes of paying off an urgent debt. When their plan goes horribly wrong, the trio realizes the dinner guests are not as innocent as they seem and their simple cash grab becomes a violent and desperate battle to get out of the house alive.
DC: Can you talk a little about the addiction that this group of elite dinner companions are going through without giving too much away?
JM: I think you’d liken it to any kind of addictive qualities whether it’s alcohol or drugs or food or whatever it is. With this particular family and this particular group, actually, it seems to be something that they flourish with and they’re just burying their demons when they can’t express themselves that way. Their demons are probably a little stronger and more overt and powerful than their lives without them.
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Julian heeft in een interview laten weten dat hij evt. open zou staan voor een rol in de nieuwe reboot. Dit houd echter niet in dat hem dit ook is aangeboden.
Cole Turner remains one of actor Julian McMahon’s favorite roles, and more than a decade after he ended his run on the original Charmed, the star of the just-released Monster Party told that he would be open to a role in The CW’s reimagined version.
Speaking with in support of Monster Party, his darkly comic new thriller, we asked whether he would consider coming on board Charmed if they came calling.
“Oh, sure. I haven’t seen it, but Charmed has been a big part of my life ever since I was on it, and almost every day somebody says something to me about Charmed and my character on it and how much they loved it,” McMahon said. “I don’t know — this one seems interesting, and I’m excited that they’re revamping something that’s had such a great audience and such a great connection to people. I don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve been off the show, but it’s really resonated with people in a beautiful way.”
McMahon played Cole, the on-again/off-again love interest to Alyssa Milano’s Phoebe Halliwell, from 2000 until 2005, and was one of the most important and longest-running characters on the original Charmed. The actor says that he looks back on the experience with a lot of pride.
“I think that’s always a credit to the characters and the work and the script or the book or the poetry or the novel, whatever it is,” McMahon said. “It’s all up for interpretation. That’s the beauty of it, is that we all look at it in different ways. I admired what we did on Charmed when we were doing it. Even with the graphics, some of the graphics that we were doing were ahead of its time in terms of what they were doing on television at the time. The character I got to play on that show is one of my favorites and will always be one of my favorites. It’s great to see a reinvention of it, and hope that they connect as well as we did.”
Alyssa Milano heeft op Twitter een boodschap voor de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump. Volgens hem is falend bosbeheer de oorzaak van de dodelijke bosbranden in Californië.
„Miljarden dollars worden ieder jaar uitgegeven, toch kost het vele mensenlevens, allemaal door vreselijk mismanagement van de bossen”, foeterde Trump. „Er moet nu een oplossing komen, of de overheidsbetalingen worden stopgezet.’
Alyssa Milano haalt de tweet van congreslid van de Democrataen Ted Lieu aan dat Trump zelf verantwoordelijk is voor het mismanagement. „Raad eens wie eigenaar is van de meeste bossen? Californië is slechts voor 2 procent eigenaar. En raad eens wie op het budget voor bosbeheer heeft beknibbeld? Dat was jij.”
Ook Katy Perry reageerde verontwaardigd op de woorden van Trump en noemde het een ’absoluut harteloze reactie’.
Alyssa is één van de vele beroemdheden die haar huis moet verlaten door de opkomende bosbranden rondom Los Angeles. Alyssa plaatste ook een oproep om haar paarden op tijd weg te krijgen en Holly plaatse hiervoor ook een oproep op haar twitter. Inmiddels heeft ze laten weten dat ook haar paarden op tijd weggehaald konden worden en dat haar huis er nog staat. Shannen deelde daarintegen mee dat het huis van haar vriend Chris Cortazzo waar ze o.a. haar trouwerij hield is verwoest door de branden.
Alyssa Milano says her home has been spared by a Southern California wildfire that forced her family to evacuate.
The actress tweeted Saturday that her house “is still standing” a day after she and thousands of others were forced to hurriedly evacuate because of the fast-moving fire.
Milano on Friday asked for help evacuating her five horses, later updating that they and her family were safe.
Numerous stars are waiting to learn the fate of their homes and prized possessions.
Rainn Wilson tweeted Saturday that flames came within about a dozen yards of his home, but it was spared. Lady Gaga tweeted late Friday that she did not know the status of her home.
Authorities have said more than 150 homes have burned in the fire and that number would likely rise.
Charmed‘s Macy Vaughn is constantly struggling to conceal her new powers from pseudo-boyfriend Galvin — but is it possible that her new man is harboring a secret of his own? According to the synopsis of Sunday’s episode (The CW, 9/8c), “Maggie notices that Macy is upset about her situation with Galvin, so she offers to do some recon with her, but they discover that things might not be exactly what they seem.” Dun, dun, dun.
“There are definitely things you don’t know about Galvin,” Ser’Darius Blain tells TVLine. “We’ll get to know him quite a bit better over the course of these next few episodes, specifically in his relationship — or lack thereof — with Macy. I love the fact that the writers take the liberty of exploring my real-life culture as it pertains to my character. We explore that in the next few episodes, and that will explain a lot.”
But don’t expect Macy to share her big secret with Galvin — at least not anytime soon. “I’m excited for all the ways she’ll find to hide her secret from Galvin, but I’m also looking forward to hopefully becoming a part of the magic one day,” Blain says. “Niko and Galvin are the only humans on the show without powers… or are we?”
There’s a lot Blain appreciates about the couple’s budding relationship, but more than anything, he says, “I love that they’re two people the world might call ‘nerds.’ I like that the show is highlighting that being a nerd isn’t a negative thing, it’s empowering. I grew up in Miami, which is a very ‘cool’ city, but I was a science nerd. I was a biology major. But I also happened to be captain of the basketball team and first chair in band. Young people need to see that you can be a nerd and still be cool.”
Outside of his own character, Blain says it’s “an honor” to be part of a female-led show like Charmed that highlights the inherent strength of women: “I grew up around a lot of strong women, and they supported me, so it feels good to be able to return the favor, so to speak. Little girls need someone to look up to — and little boys need strong women to look up to, as well. I don’t think your heroes should be relegated to someone who’s the same sex or from the same background as you. Little boys should grow up wanting to be like Serena Williams.”
Madeleine heeft een interview gehad met Paper Magazine over ‘Charmed’, hiervoor is een outtakes gebruikt van een footoshoot met Rachell Smith waarvan eerder al een outtakes van verscheen in Teen Vogue.
Galerij Links:
http//: 2018:Rachell Smith (Teen Vouge)
Feminism is mainstream, everyone’s obsessed with witches, and people are dying to see bad guys get what they deserve — the way they don’t in real life.
There’s no more appropriate show to be rebooted in 2018 than Charmed: a relic of girl power TV’s golden age, that follows good-and-evil moral logic, and in which, with a flourish of halter tops, chokers and velvet, three badass women, who love each other more than any men in their life, dispatch weekly demons via the power of sisterhood.
While the original fully transports you into the 90’s, bad and good, the Charmed reboot, created by by none other than Jane The Virgin show-runner and Gilmore Girls writer Jennie Snyder Urman, as well her collaborators Jessica O’Toole and Amy Rardin, smacks you over the head with 2018.
Its feminism is more inclusive and barbed. The Charmed Ones, instead of Prue, Piper and Phoebe, are now three women of color: Macy, the telekinetic hyper-rational scientist oldest half-sister who was raised apart from the others, Mel, the time-freezing queer college activist; and Maggie, the mind-reading freshman sorority girl — played by Madeleine Mantock, Melonie Diaz and Sarah Jeffery, respectively.
Some of the nods to contemporary politics are blunt — the very first demon they battle is a white male professor accused of sexual assault who preys on young women’s life forces, and shortly after the girls are introduced to the Book of Shadows, they discover a prophecy that names Trump’s presidency as the first sign of the apocalypse. But the larger metaphors for women coming into or discovering their power, and the nature of the monsters in our communities, are subtle and effective.
It’s particularly exciting to see a show that both suffered from the blinding whiteness and heteronormativity of girl power culture, and contributed to the whitewashing of sci-fi and witchcraft, make its stories more inclusive. It also started a conversation about race and casting after many jumped to the conclusion that all three actresses were Latinx, despite that of the three, only Diaz is Latinx, while Mantock identifies as Afro-Caribbean and Jeffery identifies as African-American.
Mantock wants to clear up this confusion, and stress that Charmed, armed with a diverse writing room (which even includes a witch) is working carefully and thinking critically in order to ensure its representation more than surface-level.
The British actress, who has gained attention for her role on Into The Badlands, wasn’t sold on the idea of the reboot for nostalgia’s sake, but after reading it’s sharp, conscious script, fell in love.
Although she’s relishing a lead role on a politically-engaged, female-driven show, Mantock is critical of limited and self-congratulatory diversity — and wants to see representation go even further:
“I want us to have a love interest or a beautifully, wonderful desired woman be the darkest person you’ve ever seen. I want there to be plus-sized women… I want us to explore what it’s like to have a disability or what it’s like to be trans in this world. I want it to be all-encompassing, and not just a palatable version of multi-ethnic witch-ness.”
The keys? She says “specificity in representation” and a nuanced conversation.
Mantock spoke with PAPER about tackling a beloved legacy reboot, Charmed’s political layers, and her open-mind about witchcraft.
Tell me why you wanted to be a part of Charmed.
We managed to get the pilot script, which they weren’t giving out very freely. I said, ‘No, I really want to get to read it so I know what I’m getting into. I was so pleasantly surprised at how funny and smart and conscious it was — I haven’t seen that in a really long time. I thought it was a wonderful way to broach important subjects, be they women’s issues or political issues, in a way that’s also tied into this wonderful magical fantasy that everybody loves.I loved watching Matilda and I loved watching Sabrina the Teenage Witch when I was growing up. I think everybody can tap into that fantasy of “what if you did have powers?” I’ve done quite a few shows that were sci-fi related and I did a martial arts show, but I’ve never been able to be in on the action. I’ve always been the character that’s either kind of the human element or a mother earth figure looking after everybody. So this is the first time where I’m like, ‘I might get to be a witch!’
The show feels as 2018 as the old Charmed felt ’90’s-early 2000’s. So although they’re so different, it has the same intensity of capturing a moment in culture.
We wanted it to be a kind of but a mirror to what society is at this point in time so that we can entertain, but also alleviate some worries and concerns and pressures that people deal with day to day. We want it to be a mirror of the 2018 life experience.
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Screencaptures en stills van de eerste aflevering van van ‘The Big Bang Theory’s seizoen 12 staan in de galerij.
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http//: Seizoen 12: Afleveringstills
http//: Seizoen 12: Screencaptures
De eerste stills voor aflevering 1×06 Kappa Spirit zijn verschenen.
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http//: 1×06 Kappa Spirit