Brian heeft vorig jaar een film genaamd ‘Micheal and Me’ geregiseerd om meer aandacht te krijgen voor het groot aantal daklozen in Amerika. Hierdoor staat hij deze maand o.a. op de cover van het blad ‘City To Country Magazine’
We want to put a face to homelessness in America. Not that this is the only face, but certainly one of many. The story; inspired by true events, chronicles an unlikely friendship, where one man learns that he is valued and the other learns what value is: the power of human connection. We will make a uplifting film about hope and friendship, and will partner with backers who share the same passion to elevate awareness that we are all one people, one community, one world. Homeless R people 2.
Galerij Links:
http//: 2017: ‘Me And Micheal’ Campaign Portaits
http//: 2018: City To Country Magazine